git 2023
- Search your pc/laptop &n gitbash
- Search your pc/laptop gitbash
- Create a folder codebot
- d is D: drive in a computer.
- itwork is excting folder name.
- codeman is creating folder name.
- And also type: (for going to the path)
- For python project, create virtual envorolment
- What is virtual environment
- virt - is the name of virtual environment it is custome used
- Turn on virtual envrollment
- To install django open ai.
- when you need to know the what are the installation are done.
- Start new python project.
- create app:
- runserver
- To turn of the server:
mkdir /d/itwork/codebot
cd /d/itwork/codebot
python -m venv virt
A virtual environment is a tool used to create a separate, isolated environment for your project. It allows you to maintain multiple versions of the same software on the same system and helps in maintaining deployment consistency across different installations. Virtual environments also allow you to isolate projects from each other, ensuring that their dependencies won’t conflict with one another. They provide an easy and safe way to install, update, and uninstall packages for each individual project.
Python has been supporting virtual environments since version 3.3 via the virtualenv module (for Python 2, use virtualenvwrapper). There are now a number of alternatives available as well, such as Pipenv and Poetry. Each of these tools provides an environment where packages can be installed without affecting the rest of the system. This makes them incredibly helpful when it comes to deploying packages, as they provide both isolation and control over dependencies.
source virt/Scripts/activate
pip install django openai
pip freeze
create project: (the project name is codebot)
django-admin startproject codebot
python startapp website
python runserver
Ctrl+ c
$ git config --global "Your Name" $ git config --global "" $ git config --global push.default matching $ git config --global checkout $ git init
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